About me

I am an Assistant Professor in Machine Learning and a Wenner-Gren Fellow at the Beijer Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. My research focuses on developing mathematical, statistical and computational methods to understand and predict cancer dynamics. I am spearheading the Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics for Oncology (AIMOn) research group at Uppsala University.

I previously worked as a researcher at the University of St Andrews (Scotland), Tampere University (Finland) and the University of Jyväskylä (Finland). I hold a PhD in Mathematics from Swansea University (Wales) awarded year 2020.

Working with me

Contact me if you’re a researcher, prospective PhD student or a University student who is looking for an opportunity to collaborate on a mathematical and computational oncology project.


2024-06-12: Open position in the AIMOn group: Postdoctoral researcher in mathematical oncology communication and/or education [applications closed].

2024-03-20: Open position in the AIMOn group: Postdoctoral researcher in Bayesian inference for cell biology applications [applications closed].

2024-02-24: Media: A 3 question interview (in Swedish) about my research is live on the Beijer Foundation's website.

2024-02-15: Open position in the AIMOn group: PhD student in Machine Learning with a focus on scientific computing for applications in cancer research [applications closed].